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Welcome Thank you for visiting my site. Hopefully you know someone who has been assisted by some of the modalities outlined here. My practice is wide-ranging and varied. If you are located near me or at one of the centers I regularly visit I urge you to make an appointment for the hands-on work. If …

Neural Organization Technique

NOW BROCHURE Neural Organization Work is a holistic physical and energetic medicine modality, based in Applied Kinesiology, which deals with our basic survival systems of fight/flight, feeding/immune, and reproduction. Our health depends on how well these systems are maintained and their ability to receive, process, and respond to sensory information in a constantly changing environment …

Living Gluten Free

LIVING GLUTEN FREE        We are in the midst of a food revolution, one triggered by people’s reactions to eating gluten.  Gluten is in grains, specifically wheat, rye, barley, and oats.  Whether because of GM foods, or the long-term storage of grains, or the overuse of gluten in our diet, most people are reactive to …


D S L D Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis D S L D Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis, or so it was named, actually is a proteoglycans accumulation in all connective tissue. Part of the connective tissue, in a random fashion, will be unstructured and thus unavailable for “work.” The horse may exhibit: Poor work ethic Lazy …


Volume 9 Issue 2 Vaccinosis: An Issue Worth Pondering By Nancy Camp I used to be a dyed-in-the-wool allopathic traditionalist in the care of my animals. I worked at a vet office that served both small and large animals for 11 years. I believed in the miracles of vaccinations and vaccinated early rather than run …

Autism and Learning Disabilities

One of the foremost tragedies inthese hectic times, I believe, is the behavioral illnesses of our children. Whatever may be the cause of these conditions, parents, extended family, institutions such as church and school are being faced with incredible challenges by children who are not normal. We call them ADD, ADHD, behaviorally delayed, autistic, etc. …

Aura Readings

AURA READING Your aura or electrical field contains a vibration that relates to the future health of your organs or body. A saliva sample or picture carries the same vibrations and from these samples the vibrations of the body can be assessed. The reading is focused on optimum health on a scale of 0-100; 100 …


Thank you for visiting my site. Hopefully you know someone who has been assisted by some of the modalities outlined here. My practice is wide-ranging and varied. If you are located near me or at one of the centers I regularly visit I urge you to make an appointment for the hands-on work. If not, …